Direct Primary Care

Exploring Direct Primary Care and how we can redefine the delivery of healthcare

Why Men Visit the Doctor Less Than Women

A recent study by Cleveland Clinic highlighted the fact that there is a gender gap when it comes to medical care. Of the men they surveyed, 65 percent said they avoid going to the doctor as ...
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In 2020, Brokers Need to Increase the Value of Benefits, Not the Cost

An estimated five percent increase in health benefits cost raises employee contribution to nearly $1...
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Utilizing Direct Primary Care to Promote Cost Transparency

“Flying blind" is a term that may sound acceptable to adrenal-junkies but is unsettling in the conte...
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Health Insurance Literacy: Employees Need More Resources

A Maestro Health survey shows that 62 percent of employees feel their employer does not serve as a r...
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Are High-Deductible Plans Placing Employee Health at Risk?

A study follows employees on high-deductible health plans and the impact to their health in comparis...
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National Women’s History Month: Five Influential Women in Medicine

For decades, men represented the majority in medicine. These five women faced the challenges and mad...
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Heart Failure Awareness Week

Heart Failure affects about 6.5 million Americans. To prevent your chances and make heart healthy de...
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Our Hearts are Healthier, Together

Cardiovascular Disease (heart disease) affects nearly 48 percent of the American population and is t...
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Employers Seek Alternative Solutions to Solve Rising Benefit Plan Costs

Don't lose talented employees over an expensive benefits plan. Discover how you can provide more for...
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The Real Impact of Chronic Diseases in America

Most Americans have an inaccurate idea of the effect chronic diseases have on our nation. Let's unco...
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Conquering Your New Year's Resolutions

Four out of five people who make New Years Eve resolutions end up breaking them. Determined to stick...
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