Direct Primary Care

Exploring Direct Primary Care and how we can redefine the delivery of healthcare

Why Men Visit the Doctor Less Than Women

A recent study by Cleveland Clinic highlighted the fact that there is a gender gap when it comes to medical care. Of the men they surveyed, 65 percent said they avoid going to the doctor as ...
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Winter Wellness

By incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet and a few at-home workouts into your sch...
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Employer Provided Healthcare Isn’t Making the Cut

A new study shows that after years of modestly-growing premiums, 2017 brought a sharp price hike – i...
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Open Enrollment Checklist

This is the time for employees to enroll in the health insurance options provided to them by their e...
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Breast Cancer Research: The Breakthroughs of Today for Those Diagnosed Tomorrow

Thanks to Breast Cancer research, there are more than 3.5 million survivors in the U.S. Deaths have ...
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Breast Cancer Facts and Myths

Education is one of the best ways to improve early detection and prevention. Take a look at common m...
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Fighting a Killer

World Heart Day brings awareness to the world's number one killer, Cardiovascular Disease. Learn way...
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7 Ways to Celebrate Women’s Health & Fitness Day

With various ways to love your body in terms of health and fitness, Healthcare2U put together a shor...
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The Fight Against Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is rising across the nation. According to the American Heart Association, one in t...
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Five Tips to Prepare for a Healthier School Year

The start of school comes with a fair amount of preparation. Here are five valuable tips to ensure a...
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Sticking to a Healthy Eating Plan over the Holidays and into 2017

Humans are creatures of habit and dieting should be no different. Here are some simple guidelines th...
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